Sunday, August 12, 2007

¿Is Affiliate Marketing The Way?

Affiliate marketing is a high rewards and low cost marketing option to monetize our websites.

As per Derrick VanDyke the basic components of a marketing system are: a hot product, a squeeze page to collect leads, a follow up system to sell for you, and bring you ….TRAFFIC!

A good example of affiliate marketing is which launched into prominence the affiliate marketing concept. Since 1997, sells books and tons of other merchandise lately, online and only online.

To succeed online we have to develop excellent products. The beauty about affiliate marketing is that there are great products we have to judge and pick the best available ones from the best merchants, for us to sell in exchange of a commission.

Instead of spending huge amounts of money in developing products and services, and building a system to market them, we devote our efforts into sending people into the merchants accounts and then collecting commissions from the sales produced by our referrals or the prospects we send to the affiliate merchant site.

There is a huge potential to make money on the Internet. However, it does take a lot more than intelligence, to make money and succeed in this business. Mathew Glandfield states that, “the way we approach this business will determine whether we will be successful or not.”

The basic reason why many fail is because they approach affiliate marketing as though there is a “magic” formula for them to build business by doing nothing., or by “trying” a week or even a month and then abandon it and go to other “opportunity” without really working to get results.

Having the right mindset, means knowing how to start an Internet Business that will continue to grow, expand and succeed to the point we achieve financial freedom and most of all live the life style we want and deserve.

We go into business to help some other people to solve a problem they have. That opportunity will make us money, provided we achieve excellence in one of the most fulfilling thing that we will ever do in our life: help others to achieve their own dreams.

Our affiliate marketing business will require time to start and keep it running. Also we need some starting money to set up our business and for our survival expenses. Patience is mandatory, as we are not going to become wealthy overnight. We must be passionate about helping others and loving the idea of working as an independent entrepreneur.

Combining affiliate marketing, list building and e-mail marketing is a great idea. Capturing our visitors info and learning what they need and then giving them solutions, is a good system we can use to build our online business. ¿What are the resources to build your list?

The world wide web is a huge source of information which we are to use to build our marketing strategy. Internet business and real bricks and mortar business need knowledge and the world wide web is the single largest source of information and knowledge.

Marketing is a process we have to keep going to define, promote and distribute our products and services. We use marketing to get potential customers attention, motivate them to buy and actually get them to buy. Also we use marketing to keep in contact with our potential and actual customers. ¿Would YOU like to know more?

Marketing requires we research who needs what and who are the most likely to become our buyers. Research is important for us to know what people want from our product or service and whether they like our offer or not. ¿Is there any research tool you prefer?

Whatever our product or service, when we are marketing on the internet we need something to catch the attention of the largest audience possible. To achieve this, we need a web site. This website to become a real marketing tool, should have a great selling message and be informational too. ¿Would YOU like to know more about products and services for YOU to build your business on?

The information we provide in our website should help us to become trustworthy and position us as a recognized authority in our field. For best results we should update our information frequently.

Affiliate marketing is more than an opportunity, it is a means for us to help others and help ourselves to become real success stories.

Jose Damaso Ramon

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Wednesday, August 01, 2007

¿Is Opportunity the source of riches?

¿Is Opportunity The Source Of Riches?

Opportunity and riches are interrelated. However, being rich is a multi part system which includes work, the appropriate system and opportunity. Becoming rich, like becoming a great player requires a winning mindset, the correct set of rules and the opportunity of applying the techniques to deliver value to people who are conscious of their needs and eager to accept the solutions they need.

That conscious and eager people is the market that will provide the opportunity to become rich.

Work is important. However, hard work has been grossly over rated. Joe Carbo, best selling author of "The Lazy man´s way to riches" stated that most people are too busy earning a living to make any real money and even to become rich. In fact we have to work efficiently by using the technology, knowledge and a system to deliver the most value with less work.

Of course, to succeed we have to pay our dues. What is success and why we want to achieve it? Do we deserve to become successful? We have to define the level of success we want, we have to set the benchmark of success, autonomy and financial freedom we want to achieve in our business and life.

As Internet marketers we have to be in control of our business through a system formula to get our product, build our website, generating traffic to our website and converting traffic into customers.

The Internet is a channel we use to deliver our messages to the world in general or to the niche market we guide our efforts to.

The 3 step formula to getting internet success sounds quite simple and actually very doable: get our product, get our message across to our niche market and getting people to our website and converting them into customers.

However we have to be very careful, because the human mind tends to over complicate things and deviate from the simple formula stated before.

To become successful and rich on the Internet, all it takes is some marketing savvy, the ability to be coachable and sticking to the basic formula.

On the Internet as in the brick and mortar world we deserve to be rich, provided we get riches by using moral and ethical means to deliver great value to our customers.

We should inspire and be recognized for our excellent products and outstanding services. In fact, there are quite a few problems we face online. As we are experts in a specific area of marketing or we have a solution to a problem other people face, then we have the opportunity to give a product or service which is accepted eagerly by many who become our market. As Ken MacArthur states, “If you want to have a big impact, solve a big problem”.

To become rich and successful we have to find powerful ways to solve other people´s problems and share the solutions with people around the world.

To change our life style we have to change others. To build a successful life style, we have to help others achieve their dreams. When we deliver great value, we build trust, and trust is an awesome power able to build our business and bring us riches and abundance.

When opportunity comes our way, showing us an unsolved problem for many, then it opens the door for our knowledge and creativity to bring back an answer for those in “need”, to solve their problems and become happy and simultaneously bringing us the opportunity to open the doors for riches and abundance to come our way, eagerly providing us with our own success and prosperity.

¿Are you ready to build the life style you dream about and deserve? Solve great problems, contact people, let them know you have great answers, build trust and convert friends into business partners. Create a structure for you to get things done and introduce yourself to a ton of fantastic great new people.

Allow yourself to show up fully engaged with a warm, creative, passionate, prosperous personality.

Jose Damaso Ramon

If YOUR future is not HERE, ¿Where, then?

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