Sunday, October 18, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Websites Are Your Property Online
The Teacher Answer 7 Questions
Online success requires a lot of knowledge we have to learn or get others to help us with.
No matter if we are beginners or advanced users, when we start our business we have a lot of questions we might be afraid to ask.
No matter how good outsourcing is, there are basic questions which every business builder should know. Bob Jenkins, known as Bob the teacher, answers 7 important questions for you.
To build our business we have to have somekind of property online. That property is called a website. Bob and outstanding successful people on the Internet agree you have to have your own website whether it is free or paid. Otherwise you will face tremendous difficulties to achieve the following tasks: Building your list, selling your own products or affiliate products, delivering your products and brandind yourself and your business.
Having your own site gives you a tremendous advamtage over your competitors. And having your site means you have to understand what a website is and what you should know to get the best Hosting services, for your needs. Free hosting services are not recommended, because you are advertising the free hosting company more thatn yours. Most free services make their money by advertising on your website.
If you want to make a living online, Bob advice is to invest in a basic infrastructure which includes a hosting company and an autoresponder service.
To evaluate different services, we have to take into consideration several terms like Disk space, bandwidth, IP address, domain names, DNS, SQL, PHP, Add-on domains, Control Panel or cPanel.
The best hosting services will give you the following features: 100 GB Disk Space; 1000 GB Bandwidth; unlimited MySQL databases is recommended; PHP 5.2; 25 add-on domains, unlimited is better; Linux or Windows are good, Linux is better; cPanel is the best dashboard for your website.
In general Host Gator and Kiosk which became GVO recently, are great services, bud Building it with the 5 pillar Power is the best bet. As per web support the three are excellent.
Theree are main Web Hosting tasks you should know how to do: Create an manage your own email asccounts; registering your own domains; set up your own hosting account properly; add on multimple domains within a hosting account; create and manage subdomains; upload and manage your website files and images; track your visitors and errors with statistics; install a blog, forum, Wikies and more, using Fantastico; how to set up and manage Ressell rights products and sell pages for maximum profits: customize your 404 error pages; installing PHO/MySQL scripts prpoperly; create and manage multiple MySQL databases. Knowing these tasks will save you tons of money.
To learn more about these tasks you will find great information by going to: Discover cPanel.
Friday, May 15, 2009
From Controversy To Recognition And Success

Controversy Could Be A Successful Trademark
Mr Trumps experience and ability to confront difficult times came to the rescue for Miss California to continue her activities as Miss California 2009.
The application of the management idea that there are not good or bad decisions, but results has been applied here in a glamorous way. Some claim Carrie Prejean, miss California USA 2009, gave a wrong or bad answer about gay marriages. In fact I join Carrie when she brought in from of a world audience the idea she said was her grandfather fights to help America become the country where ideas and self expression are valued the most.
From a marketing stand point Miss California USA is a great success as she is better known in the States and around the world than her competitors in the Miss USA Pageant including the winner of the Miss USA title, Kristen Dalton from North Carolina.
Media coverage of miss Prejean comments and her standing in reference to her ideas about marriage have given her high marks as a person able to defend her ideas and values and her ability to confront rough and difficult times.
She has been courageous in defending and speaking up her truth and her values. She is now the inspiration for a whole nation and a generation of young people as she has chosen to risk the Miss USA crown rather than being silent about her heartfelt moral and or social values.
Miss Prejean accomplishments are great reasons for society to be proud of having young people creating impact in so many areas for the wellbeing of the human kind. Besides being a great builder, Miss Carrie is also a lady of values and her stance for family and her support for family values is gracious and courageous.
Her family and her community should be proud of having amongst them somebody who is courageous and able to create impact in a society of builders for a better future.
Besides being a student at San Diego Christian College and professional model she is involved in a mentor program for children in foster care and has volunteered at the local International Ministry Center where she has helped refugees learn to speak English.
I am not familiar with the model industry, but I can understand that there are moments when women are exposed even when they suppose they are in a safe environment. Ethics here is paramount. Photographers should not shoot when preparing for their activities or when an abnormal or accidental situation happens. No body should be punished for the unethical actions of people they have to work with. Mr Trump stand on this is serious, professional and in good judgement.
From a marketing stand point Miss Carrie Prejean is a marketing success. She is branding herself as a great and courageous person, a builder of her future and a compassionate person who is ready to help people and is courageous enough as to face mean people for whom ethics and respect are not valued much.
Besides Carrie Prejean success as a model, she is also a leader in several non profit organizations and a San Diego Padres fan. Carrie is passionate about people in need whether they are children with disabilities or homeless grownups. It is great having young people creating positive and creative impact for themselves, their communities and the world.
She has been a model for Saks Fifth Avenue, a Fortune 500 high end operator; Target which is the fifth United States retailer, for sales; Nordstrom, an upscale department store; Bloomingsdale´s also an upscale chain department stores; she has been a model for E! entertainment television; she also appeared in Bliss which is a monthly British magazine for teenage girls.
Carrie is a family girl who lives as a believer who feels she can do all things through Christ Who is her strength. And strength she needs to live her highly active and energy driven life. She was born and raised in beautiful San Diego from an Italian family.
Even though being a family girl is one of the qualities Carrie is proud of, her believes were behind the latest controversy due to a question from one of the pageant judges who asked about same sex marriages.
For millions around the world and for 95% of the American population, family is the foundation of human civilization. Most social theories assert that marriage is good for society and individuals alike. Nature´s logic brings together a man or husband and a woman or wife to procreate children and build a family.
It is true marriage as a solid and traditional institution is in a state of crisis. Which does not mean it is similar or have the same standing as the association of same sex individuals no matter how much they love each other. We as individuals create associations for many purposes including the possibility of helping each other which does not mean that association could be called a marriage and of course not a family.
The social structure of civilization is clearly based on a family structure whether it is based on government or religious institutions.
Marriage and family are and have been vital to society. The benefits of marriage for adults and children are well documented. Those benefits include emotional and physical health, higher rates of financial success amongst married people and better rates of school and college success.
Carrie Prejean is now in the middle of a sociological dilemma which is bringing her, her modeling career and the beauty pageants a great deal of publicity, which could help in bringing marriage and family to a new level of analysis and for beauty pageants to be seen as beauty contests which include moral, intellectual and social standing which are not subject to minorities ready to decide what the world should think or believe.
Jose Damaso Ramon
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Have You Read The Best Selling Book Expect Miracles?
ARE You able to create miracles?
Joe Vitale tells you to Expect Miracles
Who is Joe Vitale? The author of the bestselling book Expect Miracles is a multi discipline hypnotherapist, writer, chi kung healer, metaphysical practitioner, outstanding user of The Law of Attraction, copywriter, advertiser. Joe Vitale is the world´s first Hypnotic Marketer.
He is the author of bestselling books like The Key, Zero Limits, The Opus, The Attractor Factor, Hypnotic Writing, The Power of Outrageous Marketing, Hypnotic Selling Secrets, Hypnotic Marketing, There is a Customer Born Every Minute, and one of the stars of the Hit Movie The Secret. As per Succeed Magazine, Dr. Joe Vitale is one of the five top Marketing specialist in the world today.
As per Barnes and Nobles, “Manifesting one´s dreams and wishes is not as hard as we think it is. Vitale´s practical, easy to apply psychology involves attracting one´s life desires by understanding and accepting them. This book enables readers to show results on their own quickly and easily. Miracles are neither impossible to experience nor difficult to achieve if we allow ourselves to make them possible”
He has gone from racks to riches, homeless to millionaire, so he has real reasons to believe miracles are possible. As per Joe, part of the magic of Hollywood is to take nothing and turn it into something amazing. That is the message Joe Vitale wants you to accept: take one of your dream and make it a reality. Take “nothing” and turn it into something big. Joe Vitale brings forward in his book the painful reasons that keep blocking us from getting the good things in life which have been elusive to you. Besides new information, the Expect Miracles book include knowledge brought from his earlier works, and present that information with an apply it with a new methodology. It is a book to enjoy, which helps you to experience your efforts at attracting the life you want in a new and encouraging perspective.
“Expect Miracles” is a book in which Joe Vitale writes about the economy, about life. Not any economy or life but yours. Is it difficult to think you want more money, or a better job? What about a new car or the dream house your fantasies keep roaming around? Or may be that gorgeous babe or handsome guy you dream about? Everyone of us dream about a healthy, prosperous life style with love and money to enjoy it.
However, no matter how nice you are, no matter how hard you work and try to achieve your dreams, there are some strange barriers somewhere, that keep you away from that dream life style. And Joe Vitale knows because he has been there, he has been homeless, he has been “enjoying” the rat race efforts to achieve what he later learn how to achieve and shows you how to go from broke and homeless to a successful millionaire who is ready to show that miracles are possible.
This is not a handbook for good times. Miracles happen everyday and you have to be ready, because you have what it takes to make miracles, provided you are ready and willing to remove the limiting believes that keep you away from achieving your dreams. Limiting believes are forces we have to recognize and remove, because they are like viruses which destroy much of your efforts to become what you really want to be.
So, for you to attract and expect miracles, to build the life style you dream about, there is one condition you must have: a great deal of self confidence. Self confidence gives you power, as responsibilities, recognition and opportunities flow to you.
By reading “Expect Miracles” you learn that anything is possible and you find reasons to trust the Universe. Reading “Expect Miracles” is an enlightening experience. You learn that there is a superior caring consciousness close by and ready to help you make miracles. May be your life has been touched by miracle situations and you can expect a lot more.
If you have not read “Expect Miracles” and you feel there is something separating you from miracles, just go to Amazon or your nearest bookstore and grab your copy. You deserve it. More than expecting miracles you must attract them to change your life, to change those daunting situations you are not ready to accept and you must attract them to give yourself and your loved ones what you deserve and dream about. This book is about life. It is about going from rags to riches. Surviving is not the way: Expecting Miracles is about expecting the life changing miracles for you to become the success story you dream about.
Changing the way you think is so difficult for many, that it is very difficult to change, and changing becomes a real miracle. For the author going from rags to riches has been a real mind boggling miracle you are ready to discover.
However, even miracles require you take ACTION. You have to take action and change the way you think about life, about yourself and the way you act when confronted with life realities. We have to remind ourselves what was so clearly stated by Einstein: “Problems can not be solved by the same level of thinking that created them”.
With miracles as with many other things in life you have to think big: like changing world´s economy. However you have to take a step at a time. Think about yourself, your family or something or someone close to you and start by changing the way you think about miracles, about life and about the things you want for yourself and your loved ones which you think are very difficult to achieve, they might look as impossible dreams. Think they are at your finger tips, they are possible, they are real. If you do not have “Expect Miracles”, then go to and TAKE ACTION.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Grab The Ideas for a successful master plan
Master Plan Marketing Ideas
Learn from Craig Perrine the List Profit Coach, from the NitroMarketing, the secrets to mastering the success list building process
Do not be afraid to start building and interacting with a growing list of eager customers. Never under estimate the value of the information you have to offer to your list of prospects.
What a list is?
To start building your business you must identify the lucrative market you want to target to. Craig identifies some questions to help us find that perfect lucrative market for us to make business with. As though we want to build our own business, we should be doing something we love to do or are passionate about. So let us write down the list of 10 things we love doing, in such a way that we build our business on our more likely to succeed abilities and interests.
For people to join us, they must feel we have information or knowledge they are interested in. We build a relation with the people who join our list. That means, they feel we have information they see as relevant for them. Here we might think of the communities online as social communities who share common interests. These growing groups of like minded people are flocking around social networks to share their knowledge, passions, interests, needs and, or, wants.
What is the right way for us to contact our lists? Online we find people looking for information. So the idea is to build information people are looking for. When we build our sites full of value packed information and do what is needed for us to be ranked high on the search engines we are on our way to build groups and relations based on mutual interests. For us to rank high on the search engines, we use blogs, social networks and direct mail.
Building our list is not easy. So Craig Perrine and the people at Nitro Marketing are doing a great work at helping us to build our list of prospects and then they teach us how to make them our customers. Our list should be the thirsty crowd we love having for us to give them the answers and solutions they crave for. And for them to keep coming our way, we must have value packed answers in the form of great services and or products.
As stated before, there is a step we can not skip on our way to establishing ourselves as the experts for those who want to come back to us for answers, solutions and advice. If you do not have a target market yet, then the search engines are the way to go and Craig again has a lot of answers of awesome value.
So, for us to build a list, we need a target market. Next we have to answer some basic questions: Who is our target market? Is this market profitable? How large is this niche? How many searches are there in the search engine for this niche? What keywords are being used for the niche they are searching? What are the things people are buying in this niche? What products are offered by our competitors? What are the articles and ebooks been written about the niche we are interested in?
A niche market is a group of people who are searching online for solutions to a common problem. It is our work to give them relevant answers if we think that is the group we are going to focus on.
Learning how to pick our perfect niche market is very important. Once the niche market is known we take the first steps to building our list(s). And the learning process takes on and the conversion process starts. We have to define what our target market wants, how to get in contact with them, what information we provide, why they are not getting what they want, what solutions we can offer, what are the benefits of our products or services for our target prospects. Once we find our niche market and understand how we are going to solve the problem they face, then we create the product if we want to sell our own products or services , or we find the right solution provided by other marketers and then we go the affiliate way.
Going the affiliate way is easier because we do not have to spend time to build a product, we do not spend money on development, manufacturing, shipping or storing affiliate marketing is good for beginners and advanced marketers alike.
To build confidence we have to answer a crucial question from the niche market which is our target market: What is in it for me?
As our answers are going to take the place of the salesperson in the brick and mortar world, we have to develop convincing, benefit oriented sales copy, which must be persuasive, convincing and compelling enough as to move our target market into a buying trance.
Once we have our target market, our product and the sales copy, we are ready to think and plan our website which we use to “hook” our visitors, induce a buying trance in them and convince them we have the solution they are looking for.
Even if we have the best product, a compelling and convincing message and a website that is able to attract visitors, we must take into consideration that our potential customers are not going to buy immediately. So we have to have ways to keep in contact. Here is where we have to have a system that let us build our e mail marketing strategies. Email marketing is a simple and efficient way to keep in contact with our visitors who are willing to give us permission to include them in our mailing list(s).
Having a group of eager customers, having the right product, a compelling message, a nice looking website and an advertising system, we have to create multiple ways to attract visitors to our website(s). This is what we call traffic. And for us to succeed we need lots of traffic, which means people who are looking for solutions and people who are ready to buy provided we have good products or services and a convincing strategy to help them TAKE ACTION.
Monday, March 02, 2009
Learn The Secrets To Master The List Building Process
Master Plan Marketing Ideas
Learn from Craig Perrine the List Profit Coach, from the NitroMarketing, the secrets to mastering the success list building process
Do not be afraid to start building and interacting with a growing list of eager customers. Never under estimate the value of the information you have to offer to your list of prospects.
What a list is?
To start building your business you must identify the lucrative market you want to target to. Craig identifies some questions to help us find that perfect lucrative market for us to make business with. As though we want to build our own business, we should be doing something we love to do or are passionate about. So let us write down the list of 10 things we love doing, in such a way that we build our business on our more likely to succeed abilities and interests.
For people to join us, they must feel we have information or knowledge they are interested in. We build a relation with the people who join our list. That means, they feel we have information they see as relevant for them. Here we might think of the communities online as social communities who share common interests. These growing groups of like minded people are flocking around social networks to share their knowledge, passions, interests, needs and, or, wants.
What is the right way for us to contact our lists? Online we find people looking for information. So the idea is to build information people are looking for. When we build our sites full of value packed information and do what is needed for us to be ranked high on the search engines we are on our way to build groups and relations based on mutual interests. For us to rank high on the search engines, we use blogs, social networks and direct mail.
Building our list is not easy. So Craig Perrine and the people at Nitro Marketing are doing a great work at helping us to build our list of prospects and then they teach us how to make them our customers. Our list should be the thirsty crowd we love having for us to give them the answers and solutions they crave for. And for them to keep coming our way, we must have value packed answers in the form of great services and or products.
As stated before, there is a step we can not skip on our way to establishing ourselves as the experts for those who want to come back to us for answers, solutions and advice. If you do not have a target market yet, then the search engines are the way to go and Craig again has a lot of answers of awesome value.
So, for us to build a list, we need a target market. Next we have to answer some basic questions: Who is our target market? Is this market profitable? How large is this niche? How many searches are there in the search engine for this niche? What keywords are being used for the niche they are searching? What are the things people are buying in this niche? What products are offered by our competitors? What are the articles and ebooks been written about the niche we are interested in?
A niche market is a group of people who are searching online for solutions to a common problem. It is our work to give them relevant answers if we think that is the group we are going to focus on.
Learning how to pick our perfect niche market is very important. Once the niche market is known we take the first steps to building our list(s). And the learning process takes on and the conversion process starts. We have to define what our target market wants, how to get in contact with them, what information we provide, why they are not getting what they want, what solutions we can offer, what are the benefits of our products or services for our target prospects. Once we find our niche market and understand how we are going to solve the problem they face, then we create the product if we want to sell our own products or services , or we find the right solution provided by other marketers and then we go the affiliate way.
Going the affiliate way is easier because we do not have to spend time to build a product, we do not spend money on development, manufacturing, shipping or storing affiliate marketing is good for beginners and advanced marketers alike.
As our answers are going to take the place of the salesperson in the brick and mortar world, we have to develop convincing, benefit oriented sales copy, which must be persuasive, convincing and compelling enough as to move our target market into a buying trance.
Once we have our target market, our product and the sales copy, we are ready to think and plan our website which we use to “hook” our visitors, induce a buying trance in them and convince them we have the solution they are looking for.
Even if we have the best product, a compelling and convincing message and a website that is able to attract visitors, we must take into consideration that our potential customers are not going to buy immediately. So we have to have ways to keep in contact. Here is where we have to have a system that let us build our e mail marketing strategies. Email marketing is a simple and efficient way to keep in contact with our visitors who are willing to give us permission to include them in our mailing list(s).
Having a group of eager customers, having the right product, a compelling message, a nice looking website and an advertising system, we have to create multiple ways to attract visitors to our website(s). This is what we call traffic. And for us to succeed we need lots of traffic, which means people who are looking for solutions and people who are ready to buy provided we have good products or services and a convincing strategy to help them TAKE ACTION.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
The Interactive Web 2 Communication
2 Way Communication And The Internet
Our websites are like our property in the world wide web.
Is there a way to find those weird named web properties that rank so high in the Search Engines?
Answering this pressing need to find those sites that rank so high in Yahoo, Google and MSN, is not an easy task. Something interesting about these sites is that every one of them belongs to a very unique way of providing information and most of all every one of them provides interactivity or 2 way communications between users and the site itself.
Most of them allow users to comment on the content of the site, they have sound, videos, photos and the comments of many users who have been there before.
These sites are what we call web 2 sites. There are great communities like Facebook, MySpace, Ning, YouTube and more, which main trait is that users interact with each other, they have a say on what others users are doing or talking about. Nowadays, being online is a great experience.
It is like joining a community of people of all walks of life who are looking for interesting things to do, build business and share feelings, passions, knowledge, experiences. The Internet community is like a huge ball room where every one is trying to join the people who enjoy the same or similar music styles.
Our wants, wishes, dreams, experiences are the first step. There is a question we want to have answers for. We go to a search engine and ask for information on the topic we are interested in. From there we find multiple possibilities. Even, millions. Then we focus our attention to find groups or communities whose members are working or have the same purpose that brought us online.
At first we join groups. When the Internet became a world communication and interrelated community there is a new social system where every thing is possible: business, dating, hobbies, crafts, friendship and more, when we join these social communities. Besides your likes, you enjoy videos, then you have YouTube, you are interested in movies then you have Flixter, you want to be in contact with friends, business associates and more, then you have Twitter.
Using 140 characters messages we let every one know what we are doing or what our immediate interest is. We want to talk online around the world we have Skype. We love sharing photos, we have When going web 2 your imagination has no limits.
This interactivity is called web 2 or Social Networking. Ning, for example is a place where we can join or create the communities that best suit our taste and or interest. Here at NING we find hundreds, thousands of Social Networks.
Ning communities sites allow we choose for the brand and design of our site, the profile of the people we want to join, the activities and or interest we want to share or talk about, decide what communities we want to keep in contact with. Share photos, videos, messages, create our blogs, create our own chat box, we have one click integration with Facebook, we can enable our own groups with photos membership comments, events and more.
Here is a Unique system to express our innermost passions, hidden talents, and all of things that we would want to spend our life doing. Who has influenced us in life the most? Who do we aspire to be? How do we want to be remembered, after we are long gone? Let us identify the top professional thing that we want others to associate us with.
Whatever the reason we are online, NING give us the opportunity to join or create the community which is more appropriate for our purpose. I am here for friendship and business.
In the internet, I found a resource center that contains thousands of highly powerful inspirational and motivational materials --- books, videos, audios, and modules, that are now uplifting and empowering my life, career, and relationships on a daily basis.
Online we measure our impact by our rankings in Search Engines. Search engine rankings are extremely important for a successful Internet marketing campaign and for our social standing. For business we must secure high rankings.
Before we go out and hire a search engine optimization company, try taking some simple steps, and see if you can't boost your rankings yourself. Don't ever ignore this all-important factor in Internet marketing. Remember, the higher our search engine ranking, the more quality customers will be directed our way.
Something great about Social Networks is that Search Engines love Social Networks sites. So, besides being an awesome means when we share our interests, inclinations, expertise and friendship building abilities, Social Networks deliver high rankings on the Search Engines.
You might remember why people are coming to the Internet: They are looking for INFORMATION. When we rank high on Search Engines, we have the opportunity to be seen by those who want to know something about something. So, if we have the information people are looking for and we rank high on Search Engines, then we have to have great information with great content and a compelling message for people to think we are the answer they are looking for.
When we use high traffic Social Networks like Facebook, Ning, MySpace and we have the appropriate message and the products and services needed to help people achieve their dreams, then we are on our way to success.
Let us build good relations with recognized people in our communities, link to interesting sites in our area of interest, learn and share our knowledge, help as many people as we can and become a real authority in our group or community.
When we join these high ranking interrelated sites we get in contact with real people who are online to learn and share their knowledge or expertise, to let us know their achievements, success stories, or just how they have solved a household or everyday situation. And most interesting we can do all these in real time, instantly.
Join me on Twitter and post your comments here and be part of the web 2 era. The communication age is here and everyone of us can participate. Let Social Networks be part of our life. There is a blog, community or group for us to share our thoughts, feelings, hobbies, or whatever interest us.
Friday, January 16, 2009
Discover The Power Of Knowledge
“A mind once stretched by a new idea never regains its original dimension” Oliver Wendell Holmes.
By James Lee Valentine
From The Empowered Millionaire Institute.
Many individuals who strive for success make the erroneous assumption that knowledge is power and then try to acquire as much of it as possible.
They go through life wondering when they will achieve the power and subsequently attain the success they believe goes with it. Knowledge is most powerful when it is of a specialized nature and specifically acted upon for the achievement of a precise intent. Let this maxim be an empowering reminder: Knowledge plus ACTION equals POWER.
In business, for example, the more specialized knowledge one possesses about a particular field and the more specific the associated actions, the greater the chance of directing the enterprise along the path of good fortune being sought.
One’s recognition of certain opportunities within that particular business will develop the self confidence necessary to move forward with the precise action steps required to be successful in that field.
Specialized knowledge comes from study and learning and from education through the many sources of information available to all. These include:
Further education.-
Communicating with knowledge people.
Through one’s experiences and education.
Attending specialized seminars and informative workshops.
Knowledge by itself has little value. The worth is gained from the application of the knowledge towards some worthy objective. Therefore, as knowledge is acquired, for the greatest results it shall be applied to a definite purpose through practical plans of action. Remember, knowledge alone is of little value it must be combined with ACTION to release its full power.
I shall make my life a never ending Discovery.
If learning is a continuous process, then life should be a never ending discovery. Each and every day is a new beginning for the achievers, the winners, and for those who aspire to reach excellence. The non achievers and the losers face life on a day to day as just another in their struggle for survival. They have no vision, no direction and little hope. Their greatest challenge is to go through the day, as opposed to getting from it, and they drift into a life of mediocrity. They do nothing to improve themselves; thus becoming merely average. They do not care and neither does anyone else.
For me as an empowered Millionaire, I shall posses the mindset of the winner who knows that learning is a continuous process, making my life a never ending discovery. As long as I am capable of breathing, I am capable of learning and experiencing new and different things. From today, I shall develop the winning discipline of not allowing any day to end without increasing my mental storehouse of life’s experiences. I shall receive each new day with an attitude of openness asking myself : “ What something new can I learn today and what can I experience different”? Then I shall allow myself to grow as an individual who loves life, for life truly is a never ending discovery, generating its treasure house of inspiring ideas for me.
These are the three keys that will jump – start the generating of ideas from the treasure house of life. Ideas that are available to all who earnestly seek positive revolution for their lives and to all who are prepared to expend the effort to go after it:
Learn to search.
Learn to capture.
Learn to study.
1.- Learn to Search.
Searching is the only sure fire way to find the information that will lead to life changing ideas. I shall begin now to develop this illuminating habit of searching for the things that can help me along the road to success. I shall attend motivating and inspiring seminars, go to insightful and though provoking training classes, listening to stimulating and empowering audio-programs, read informative and uplifting books, and engage in purposeful conversations with individuals of means and substance. It has been said that in order to discover something, I must look for it.
Well, with diligent searching, these creative approaches will provide the never ending stream of breakthrough ideas necessary for accomplishing my objective no matter how much something is desired. Remember that I will never find it until I search for it.
2.- Learn to capture.
Whenever I think of a good idea, I should not trust my memory. Instead, I shall capture the thought by writing it immediately. Whenever I hear something of value, I shall write it. From this moment forth, I shall carry a journal and pen with me at all times. I shall perform this winning discipline that can lead to success be recording every idea may appear, I shall write it in my journal –today.
The importance of this positive habit can not be emphasized enough and can lead to an ever increasing spring of wealth creating ideas coming to mind. Literally, the more ideas I write, the greater the number I will continue to generate ideas once captures give rise to a multiplying source of worthy thoughts, concepts, beliefs and philosophies aiding me in fully maximizing my goal reaching potential.
3.- Learn To Study
The fundamental process of knowing what information I need and gathering it is one of the keys to manifesting an abundant life. If I desire to be successful, I shall study success. Likewise, if I wish to be happy I shall study happiness. Neither success nor happiness are accidents. They are first a study, then a practice, then a realization. If I wish to be wealthy, I must study wealth. Have a guess how many people make wealth a study? Right, very few. Since success, happiness and wealth are all values to cultivate, I must make it a winning discipline of mine to study them.
Major keys for positive life transformation and information and ideas. So I shall make study a winning discipline and develop creative ideas from credible sources of information. If here is any void in my life, it is not because I lack opportunities and resources , or the enthusiasm that can be generated at a moments notice, it is because I lack the ideas that would have taken shape from the information I could have studied but otherwise close not to. But I always have a choice. So I shall choose to study. As Orison Sweet Marden stated: “ How shall I get ideas? Keep your wits open, observe, study but above all, think.” I shall keep on learning.
I Shall Keep On Learning.
Benjamin Franklin, the great American scientist, publisher and diplomat, once said that if a man empties his purse into his head, no man can take it away from him. What he was alluding to is that an investment in knowledge and personal improvement always creates the most value. What I can take from his wise words are that just because I may be an expert in one particular field of business or extremely knowledgeable in a specific industry, this does not mean I should stop learning, exploring and understanding all the other non related areas I have not mastered. I must learn to examine and analyze other realms of interest. The moment I can open myself up to exploration and discovery in the instant my wealth building process will really turn on.
Learning is mental food – in fact it is often known as food for thought. As such it is important to nourish my mind with good, clean, pure, positive and powerful learning, I just I nourish my body with healthy and wholesome food. It is said that to read without reflecting is like eating without digesting. I must become intrigued and develop a desire to know more about the wondrous world within which I live. I must develop a passion for increasing my knowledge because learning is weightless - wisdom is the lightest treasure , one which I can easily carry.